Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trichotillomania Humor

Cause you gotta laugh at yourself, right? Or at least at me.

Which character in Gone With the Wind had trichotillomania?
Scarlett No'Hair-a!!!!

Isn't that so awful and corny it makes you wanna hit me?

I haven't posted in awhile. I actually got pretty busy at my job (imagine that) and haven't had time to think of a good trich post lately.

I've been playing around with medication lately. I don't recommend it. Originally I was taking Prozac, but that didn't seem to be helping at all. Over a year ago I switched to Cymbalta. First I took 30mg a day. Then my doctor increased me to 60mg. Then she increased me to 120mg, which I was not very happy about. That's the highest dosage that's considered "safe," although Cymbalta is new enough that there's not even a generic yet, so really they don't know anything about long-term effects. I decided on my own to go back to 60, because I didn't really notice a difference between 120 and 60, and I figured I may as well have as little unnecessary medication in my body as possible. I was doing really well for awhile, but of course there's no way to know if improvement is from the medication or just from adjusting my habits. Maybe both.

But today I had a major relapse, pulling from areas on my eyelids where I don't even usually pull, so I'm feeling pretty down on myself today. As trichsters know, there's nothing quite like the ashamed and angry feeling after a major pulling spree and the helplessness that comes from knowing there's nothing you can do to bring those eyelashes back except wait and wait and try not to pull anymore.


Anonymous said...

I have been exploring a few blogs of people who are eyelash pullers (I have definitely found more head-hair pullers than eyelash pullers). I find it so interesting, and comforting at the same time, that I can relate almost 100%. What I can't relate with is seeing a Dr. about it. I am NOT about to be put on anti depressants. I am such a "normal" 26 yr old girl and I am not going to let trich throw me into that category.

I truly believe, for me, this problem started when I developed allergies when I was young. My eyes would always itch, and my eye lids would get puffy and red... pulling at my lashes relieved the itch, and therefore lashes came out. As I plucked them out, it gave me such a good sensation. But now I can't use my allergies as an excuse.. I will pull at my eyes at night while I watch tv, or surf on facebook, my husband asleep next to me. It is the only time I do it. I have been so successful at staying pull-free just by avoiding the "night time curse." It is possible... and I hate to hear people with trich think they have a mental disorder! It is not. If people who pull out their eyelashes/brows/hair needs to be put on happy pills, then SO DO NAIL BITTERS! Right?

Meg said...

Just a daughter (age 10) just had a major relapse after doing really well for so long! I am trying to stay calm. I am not sure how to react...I want her to work at this, but I don't want to nag her or freak out about it, I know that is counterproductive. What's the best way for a mom to help, do you think? Gentle reminders? Ignoring it? I've tried offering her rewards for reaching her goal which has worked in the past, but this relapse seems to have hit with a vengeance! Any thoughts owuld be appreciated...

brooklyn_codger said...


i agree that hair-pulling in itself is not pathological, any more than nail-biting. it is only a problem when it has negative consequences or if it interferes with your goals in life--ie, you can't get your work done at your job because of distraction by your hair, or you have a bald spot that distresses you because it prevents you from looking how you want to. if that is the case for you, then you have a problem (a "mental problem, in fact), a problem that (possibly) can be treated with medication. Taking medication doesn't mean you're "crazy"; it means you are choosing one of many possible routes toward a better life.

I understand your assertion that trich is a normal thing, not "weird", "abnormal" etc--and I agree. But that doesn;t mean you shouldn't try to stop if you don't like it--much as people quit nail biting.

Unknown said...

Find What is Trichotillomania and Trichotillomania Hair Regrowth. Trichotillomania can be also cured with John Kender Diet Trichotillomania Hair Pulling.


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